Critical Investigation Title: Why is there a widespread fascination of the fantasy/ supernatural genre in today’s media, and how has it affected today’s youth.
Linked Production: A parody music video with ideas from Twilight.
Who I am working with: Sonam .
Critical Investigation Key words: Vampires, Werewolf, Supernatural, Twilight, Vampire Diaries, True Blood, Music Video, Parody.
Media Language
· What camera angles are used and why?
· The props and how are they related to the genre.
· The music is a key factor.
· The different texts I am looking at- Look at their institution.
· What are their other products?
· Look at the music industry as well as the film/TV.
· The codes and convention of the fantasy/super natural genre.
· The codes and conventions of Film, TV and Music videos.
· How can we apply these codes and conventions to our parody?
· Who is being presented
· How are different age groups represented?
· Is this a positive or negative representation?
· Who are the target audience.
· The secondary audience.
· Why he genre applies to them.
· The ideologies of the institutions.
· What type of narrative is it?
· The narratives in music videos and how they are portrayed.
· How the genre has changed over the years?
· How much money is it costing institution?
· How much of the public’s money is being ploughed into the music industry.
Media Issues and Debates:
· Media effects.
· Representations and stereotyping.
· Ownership and Censorship.
· Reality TV.
· Moral Panics.
· Media technology and the digital revolution.
Media Theories:
· Gender and ethnicity.
· Audience theories.
· Genre theories.
· Semiotics.
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