Introduction- Introduce the question
· Target audience
o Primary
§ Young teenage girls
§ Age 13-18
§ Social Class
o Secondary
· The text
o Give a brief outline to what the text is about.
Paragraph 1-How the vampire genre has involved over the years.
· Genre change: The genre itself used to a pure horror and gothic genre however through times it has changed and developed into more of a hybrid genre involving romance and fantasy.
· Past: Talk about Dracular, Nosferatu, Interview with a vampire.
· Interview with a vampire:
o The message behind these vampire films.
o Scare the audience from unprotected sexual intercourse. To control sexual desires.
o Give a bit of back history to AIDS.
o The vampire used to be the “perfect villain” but over the years the vampire has been turn in to “a tragic hero.”
· Now:
o Romanticises the vampires and puts them on an unreadable pedestal which creates an image of so called perfection amongst impressionable teens.
o It has become less violent and gory.
Paragraph 2- How the genre became popular in today’s society?
· The ideal boyfriend.
· The chain reaction
o Twilight
o Vampires Dairies
o True Blood
§ How they started to become popular.
§ Why were they more successful than the past vampire genre.
Paragraph 3- The sexual pleasure gained from this genre.
· Vampires are humans at their worst. When they let their sexual desires take over them. They represent the “bad” males of the world.
· Therefore Edward Cullen is the ideal man because he is restricting himself.
o Not drinking human blood.
o Not sleeping with Bella until after marriage.
· Twilight promotes abstinence.
· Gender roles being switched
o Bella pressurises for sex.
o Feminist view, Feminist theories.
· The characters themselves.
o Females
§ Bella
§ Esme
§ Rosalie
§ Alice
o Males
§ Edward
§ Carlise
§ Emmet
§ Jasper
§ Jacob and the wolf pack.
· Each character appeals to a different audience member and age range.
· Talk about how the conflict between Edward and Jacob is appealing to the teenage girls. Sexually aroused.
· The “female gaze” towards the female characters. Always shown in a long to medium shot to show off their bodies.
Paragraph 4- The institution, Hollywood, and how it has portrayed its values and ideologies in Twilight.
· Merchandise
· Back history to the institution.
· The money making scheme
· Could mention how Hollywood are trying to portray the messages of science.
Paragraph 5- The false hope the genre gives to it audience.
· It's detrimental to youth because it gives young girls a false image of real life love and romance and men in general. Lulls them into a false sense of security
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