Sunday, 21 August 2011

Media Institutions

Media Institutions
  • What is the institutional source of the text?
  • In what ways has the text been influenced or shaped by the institution which produced it?
  • Is the source a public service or commercial institution? What difference does this make to the text?
  • Who owns and controls the institution concerned and does this matter?
  • How has the text been distributed?
 The institution that created the film “Tangled” is Walt Disney Studios Animations and was realised on November 24, 2010. It was distributed by Walt Disney Pictures. “Tangled” started off as a film being shown in box office cinemas in America and Canada. It then became a success there and was distributed worldwide to different countries throughout Europe and Asia. It was shown in the cinema in those countries and on March 29, 2011 it was realised onto Blue-ray and DVD. The institution also realised a soundtrack on November 16 2010, containing all the song featured in the film.
The film itself has typical codes and conventions that would be expected of a “Classic” Disney film. The film itself was said to be  “a regular ol' straight laced Disney flick.”  One of the typical convention the film holds is the use of music. Throughout the film the main characters each sing a song or two. They also have their own song which is sort of a theme song to that character. Another convention of a Disney produce film is the use of Vladimir Propp Theory. There is a use of a hero, princess in need of help, a villain, and the helper. The Disney institutions have always followed Propp’s narrative theory within their films and have again used it in the film Tangled.  This allows the audience to easily recognise and relate to the film and institution.

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