Wednesday, 31 August 2011


  • How is the narrative organised and structured?
  • How is the audience positioned in relation to the narrative?
  • How are characters delineated? What is their narrative function? How are heroes and villains created?
  • What techniques of identification and alienation are employed?
  • What is the role of such features as sound, music, iconography, genre, mise-en-scene, editing etc within the narrative?
  • What are the major themes of the narrative? What values/ideologies does it embody?
The narrative follows the old brother’s grim version of the story Rupunzel to a certain extent. It is used as a guide line to shape the film. However the film itself has taken the narrative and changed it to please the audiences need. It had been changed to make the film more recognisable by its institution. As it is already a story the audience will be familiar with the narrative and would have certain expectations. The narrative is set in three sections. Beginning, middle and end. It is a linear narrative meaning it is a nonstop narrative that has one story line throughout it. The film “Tangled” can be said to be using both Tvzetan Todorov and Claude Levi-Strauss narratives theories. Todorov’s theory is used through the fact the narrative of the film is simply an equilibrium, disequilibrium and new equilibrium. The equilibrium that it starts off with is the journey that Rupunzel and Flynn embark on to get to the floating lights. It is disturbed by the disequilibrium which is the set up that Gothel creates and Flynn’s death. However it is saved by the new equilibrium when Rupunzel is reunited with her real parents and eventually marries Flynn Ryder. The film also follows the narrative theory of Levi-Strauss as the narrative ends with a resolution of conflict. It also has a lot of Binary oppositions. For example the good and evil within the narrative.

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