Tuesday 27 December 2011

Christmas Task 1- Textual Analysis.

In the scene from Twilight Saga: Eclipse we can see that the vampire genre has changed becoming more phyically violent to what it used to originally be. We normally wouldn’t see vampires fighting against each other, they kill very quickly and quietly and only kill humans, during the night. However with this scene we see the battle between their own kind and to save a humans life. In today’s genre it has been turned around.
Vampires are powerful, physically and mentally- We see the power of vampires in the scene as they are able to destroy each other. The diegetic sound affect help to emphases their power and the use of no non diegetic sound allows the audience to feel the full impact of each sounds affect and on the action within the scene itself. The long shot, zoom in the beginning of the scene of the Cullens connects to the audience the power. Their stance connects strength as they are all fixed in a certain spot and in a high, up right position.  This helps to represent the typical stereotype of vampires and how they are powerful, it also connotes to the audience that because even though these are super natural beings they look like ordinary humans, thus creating a moral panic within audiences. Their strength is and power is connoted further through the actual fight itself, we see the Cullens breaking heads and the dust which comes out after shows that they are made of stone connoting power of the Cullens who can break stone. The fast pace shots mirrors their speed and as they collide and then it slows down into slow monition which connotes their speed further as it shows it is too fast for human eyes.   
Throughout the scene we are given close up shots of certain caharcters, for example when Jacob is crushed by a vampire. These close up shots are mainly of most of the main chacaters to show emotions and to allow the audience to feel sympathic and to engage the audience further.
The scene allows audiences to gain sexual gratifications of each of the Cullen characters as they are shown in long shots at the beginning showing of their physic, also some audience may feel sexually aroused by the power and strength each of the character is portraying. Each character will attract its only audience and there will be a slight hint of the “female gaze” for the male character watching the film.     
 There is a sense of escapism with the scene whereas the audience become so encapsulated in the action they forget the outside world and worries. Also the film itself is escapism for the audience as they start to fantasize about having their own Vampire lover. 

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