Monday 5 December 2011

Quotes from the Gardian

I know Twilight Is Awful
"But if Twilight is so awful, why do we invest so much effort into slagging it off? Especially since everything that needs to be said about teen chastity, female passivity and Mormonism-on-the-sly has already been trotted out in response to previous entries in the franchise. God knows I'm Team Buffy, not Team Bella, and I prefer my vampires evil, but it seems to me that Twilight attracts a lot more vitriol than any other nonsense aimed at the young male demographic"

Zombies, vampires, ghouls: the stuff of cultural catharsis
"Fright flicks have traditionally flourished during periods of upheaval and uncertainty."

 There Are Vampires Everywhere
"As for the meaning of the vampire, there are the usual answers: vampires are about sex, about power, about our fantasies of eating and being eaten"

There Are Vampires Everywhere
"n Herzog on Herzog, a book-length interview with Paul Cronin, Werner Herzog talks about the power of Klaus Kinski as Nosferatu: "Though the film is close to two hours and Klaus is on screen for maybe 17 minutes, his vampire dominates absolutely every scene"

Gothic Fiction Tells Us the Truth About Our Divided Nature
"But in the 19th century, attention moves to the horrors that lurk in our own psyche"

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